What is Recruitment Marketing?

what is recruitment marketing

Businesses across the world are getting huge benefits from successful recruitment marketing, but it has also contributed to significant improvements for candidates, and their experience engaging with your company.

Recruitment Marketing is the practice of using marketing strategies to promote the value of working for an employer to attract, engage, recruit, and retain talent.

Employers need Recruitment Marketing because the old way of transactional recruiting does not work so well anymore. Today’s candidates discover and consider employers the same way consumers find products, hotels, and restaurants. Through searching online, following social media, and reading reviews, candidates can become aware of an employer and its career opportunities.

Recruitment Marketing is different from traditional recruiting and sourcing in that recruitment marketers are not directly responsible for filling jobs. Instead, they complement recruiters by telling the employer brand story and, as a result, generate more quality applicants for open requirements to help recruiters fill jobs faster and easier.


Why do I need to start using recruitment marketing?

The talent competition is more intense than ever before. Recruitment marketing ensures you’re attractive to active job seekers and passive candidates you want to recruit.

Recruitment marketing forms the backbone of a proactive sourcing strategy by helping you:


Recruitment marketing doesn’t just give you more candidates as it provides you with better quality candidates. You want engaging content that educates talent about your company’s core values, your culture and your work environment. People who disagree with what you stand for will self-select and this is a great way for you to elevate your candidate quality.


Benefits of Recruitment Marketing


Strategic Alignment

If you’re searching for candidates that could make a large impact in your organization, not just the ones that are immediately available then there is an increased focus on passive candidates, and success relies on carefully building personas of the kinds of people that “fit” your company.

These candidates could end up being hired in the future, equally, they might not. Either way though, they should be of a sufficiently high quality that your company will benefit from building relationships with them.



With metrics like time to hire or time to start key in the way that hiring teams get evaluated, it’s important to be able to move fast.

Once recruitment marketing programs are set up, and you’ve started to build a pipeline of candidates that are a good fit for your company, you should expect to see accelerated processes across the board.


Better Candidate Experience

The relationship between your company and a candidate doesn’t start when they “click” apply, it begins the very first time they encounter your business. At this “pre-applicant” stage, the candidate’s experience is very important. This is the time that people are evaluating your company, this is when they’re deciding whether to apply or not.

Recruitment marketing gives you the ability to personalize the content and communication that people receive at this stage of the process. Every touchpoint can be customized based on “who” the candidate is, their level of engagement, and their relationship with you.


Stronger Employer Branding

People don’t apply to companies; people apply to brands. They’re looking for a commonality, some idea or sense of mission that they share with your organization.

The way that you project and market your brand is deeply important. You need to leverage the right content on your careers page, the right nurture campaigns, and the right kind of messaging about your EVP to be successful.


Reduced Hiring Costs

Not only will the right recruitment marketing platform help you track the effectiveness of different campaigns on generating pipelines, it will help you prioritize the best investments of your time and resources.


Need Help with Your Recruitment Marketing?

Quality recruitment marketing brings your employer brand to life in a creative way. It delivers the right message to the right people at the right time, through the right device. As the media landscape continues to evolve, with new devices and smaller screens, you need to adapt constantly to these changes.

This is where Top Skills Recruitment can help with our proven approach to effective recruitment marketing to promote the value of working for an employer to attract, engage, recruit and retain talent.

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